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Website: Youth to Youth engages young people through meaningful activities and experiences to develop and implement their own ideas to create positive change.   Our original youth-driven, adult guided programming has set the standard for youth development and prevention programming across this country and around the world.
Website: Source: National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE) To combat the growing medicine abuse epidemic, NCPIE has developed a comprehensive series of toolkits and resources, in collaboration with the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Website: “My Generation Rx” includes resources designed to educate teens about the importance of using medications safely, as well as teaching teens key skills to turn down invitations to misuse and positive alternatives to cope with the demands of life. These materials could be delivered in formal classroom settings, after-school programming, youth organization meetings, or any other venue with teen audiences.
Website: Source: Prevention Action Alliance Prescription drug misuse is highest among youth ages 18 to 25, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Many of those who misuse prescription drugs wrongly believe that prescription drugs are safer than non-prescription drugs just because they’re recommended by a pharmacist. That misperception, coupled with the wide availability of prescription drugs, leads to one of the most pressing drug use issues today.
Website: Prescription and over-the-counter medicines are typically accessible and visible in our homes, and children should understand prescription and over-the-counter medication safety at an early age. What follows is a collection of age-appropriate, engaging resources that educate children about medication safety principles, equipping them with a foundation for understanding how to use medicines safely before they enter their teen and adult years. They may be used in small or large groups, as stand-alone activities, or in combination with other lessons. Some activities may be better suited for younger children (grades K-2), while others may be more appropriate for older students (grades 3-5).

The Generation Rx Adult Resources aim to prevent prescription drug misuse by educating adults about safe medication practices.  These resources are designed for use in settings such as community centers, libraries, faith-based groups, or schools (for targeting parents).
