Evaluation & Outcomes

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Generation Rx collaborates with many youth and young adult serving organizations to create and promote community resources.

Explore the Toolkits.

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Ambassadors are trained facilitators who teach safe medication practices in their communities and to their patients using Generation Rx.

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Generation Rx is dedicated to the practice of community engaged scholarship.

As a research-based program, Generation Rx is committed to evaluating the impact of the educational resources in our portfolio, including our toolkits and Ambassadors training program. We are also committed to advancing the field through scholarly presentations, innovative collaborations, and community programming.

Public Reports

University Toolkit

Generation Rx University : Integrating Medication Safety Education into Campus Wellness

Between 2021-2023, Generation Rx led a multi-institutional pilot study to evaluate the effectiveness of the Generation Rx University resources as a prevention education strategy. This report summarizes the key findings of that study.

Downing, M., Gonzalez, A., Lovatt, B.S., and Kwiek, N. (2023). Generation Rx University : Integrating Medication Safety Education into Campus Wellness. College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University: Columbus, Ohio.

Keywords : prevention education, prescription drugs, campus prevention, undergraduate, substance misuse, wellness

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Older Adult Toolkit

Between 2021-2022, Generation Rx led a multi-county study to evaluate the effectiveness of the Generation Rx Older Adult resources as a prevention education strategy. This report summarizes the key findings of that study.

Emptage, RE, Lovatt, BS, Sloan, CD, Li, J, Downing, MN, Summers, KE, Schmuhl, KK. (2024). Generation Rx Older Adult Toolkit Evaluation Report. College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University, Columbus OH .

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Between 2020 – 2023, Generation Rx led multiple development and research projects focused on the Generation Rx Ambassadors Training course. This report is a summary of those findings, applications, and next steps.

Schmuhl, K., Downing, M., Lovatt, B.S., Emptage, R., and Kwiek, N. (2024). Generation Rx Ambassadors: Evaluating the Impact of Three Pilot Studies. College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University: Columbus, OH

Keywords : prevention education, prescription drugs, substance misuse, wellness, veterinary medicine, nursing

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Awards, Presentations, and other Publications


Generation outreach efforts are recognized as The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy becomes the first to receive the AACP Lawrence C. Weaver Transformative Community Service Award for a second time.  

Generation Rx receives the Distinguished Community Engagement Award from The Ohio State University.

Generation Rx receives the national Excellence in Community Partner Engagement Award from the Engagement Scholarship Consortium.

Generation Rx outreach efforts are recognized as The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy receives the AACP Lawrence C. Weaver Transformative Community Service Award.

Creative Works (2020-present)

Generation Rx University for Fraternity & Sorority Life. Generation Rx collaborated with Alpha Chi Omega, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sigma Nu, Pi Kappa Alpha, and Zeta Tau Alpha to adapt the Generation Rx University toolkit resources to specifically engage students in fraternity and sorority life.

Medication Science and Safety, a 4-H Activity Book. Generation Rx collaborated with Ohio 4-H to develop a 4-H activity book that guides older elementary students in learning about the science and safety of medications in a fun and age-appropriate manner. This activity book passed national review and is available to order on the 4-H website across the country.

The Generation Rx Girl Scouts Patch. Generation Rx collaborated with Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland to develop a patch program to help girl scouts learn medication safety, connect with local pharmacists, as well as take action to make sure their community is equipped with medication safety prevention education.

Professional Publications

Related to the Generation Rx Toolkits

Emptage RE, Lovatt BS, Sloan CD, Li J, Downing MN, Summers KE. Generation Rx: evaluation of medication misuse prevention education for older adults. Front Public Health. 2024;12:1441904. Published 2024 Sep 12. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2024.1441904 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39351028/

Related to Generation Rx Ambassadors

Downing MD, Schmuhl KK, Summers KE, Sandidge BR, Miracle TL, Pekny C, and Kwiek NC. ​“Pilot Evaluation of Generation Rx Ambassadors Asynchronous Training to Prepare Students for Medication Safety Outreach”. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2023. Retrieved March 28, 2023, from https://www.ajpe.org/content/early/2022/05/09/ajpe8945  

Aarnes, T. K., Schmuhl, K. K., Summers, K., & Sandidge, B. R. “Medication safety education: more than just a human concern?”. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 2022. Retrieved Feb 1, 2023, from https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/javma/aop/javma.22.09.0422/javma.22.09.04

College Prescription Drug Study & Other

Baker E, Downing M, Kwiek NC, Regan E, Dionne J, and Miracle T (2023). Differences in Nonmedical Use of Prescription Stimulants Among Fraternity- and Sorority-Affiliated Students. Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice, 18(1): 43-63.

Baker, Emily. (2022). College Prescription Drug Study: Research Briefs (Academic Variables, Differences by Demographic Variables, Sorority & Fraternity Life). College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University: Columbus, Ohio. Available at https://hecaod.osu.edu/news-research/further-reading/

Baker, Emily and Miracle, Tessa. (2022). College Prescription Drug Study: Descriptive Report. College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University: Columbus, Ohio. Available at https://hecaod.osu.edu/news-research/further-reading/

Downing, MN, Gonzalez, A, Clouner, C, Sandidge, B, and Kwiek, NC. “Generation Rx University Mini-Implementation Grant: Years 1 – 5 Final Report.” Columbus, OH: Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery, The Ohio State University.

Hale KM, Cable GC, Kwiek NC. (2009). Generation Rx: The Abuse of Medications. Ohio Pharmacist, 19(1):17-20.

Selected Conference Presentations & Posters

Sloan, C., and Sandidge Lovatt, B. (2023, December). Generation Rx Training. Impacting Mental Health and Well-being by Addressing Stigma in Rural Communities Conference, CFAES, Columbus, OH.  

Aarnes, T. K., Schmuhl, K. K., and Sandidge Lovatt, B. (2023, July) “Medication safety education for veterinarians.” American Veterinary Medicine Association, Aurora, CO.  

Economos, M., Zies, S., and Emptage, R. (2023, September). “Opioid Response: Safe Medication Practices for Better Health” National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences Annual Meeting, Provincetown, RI.  

Economos, M. and Zies, S. (2023, May). “Opioid Response Generation Rx – Older Adult Project.” National Health Outreach Conference, Ithaca, NY.  

Schmuhl, K., Emptage, R., Sandidge, B. (2023, April). “Generation Rx Everyday: Incorporating medication safety messaging into your daily practice.” Ohio Pharmacists Association Conference, Columbus, OH. 

Mallot, J., Schmuhl, K., Casper, K., Downing, M., and Sandidge, B. (2023, March). “Evaluating the Incorporation of a Medication Misuse and Safety Training Program into a Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum.” American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

Baker, E., and Downing, M. (2023, January). “Preventing Prescription Drug Misuse among First-Year Students.” Focusing on the First Year Conference, Columbus, OH.

Gonzalez, A., and Downing, M. (2023, January). “Using Pilot Evaluation Outcomes to Inform Prescription Drug Misuse Prevention Efforts.” NASPA Strategies Conference. Kansas City, MO.

Kwiek, N. and Sandidge, B. (2022, November) “Generation Rx: Safe Medication Practices for Life.” MSU Extension Opioid & Stimulant: Outreach, Education & Training Program. Virtual. 

Emptage, R. and Sloan, C. (2022, June) “Generation Rx: Safe Medication Practices for Better Health.” AgrAbility Regional Workshop. Columbus, OH. 

Emptage, R., Schmuhl, K., Miracle, T. (2022, April). “Generation Rx and You: Medication Safety in Action”. Ohio Pharmacists Association Annual Conference. Columbus, OH.  

Emptage, R., Kwiek, N. (2021, August). “Advocating for Safe Medication Use in Older Adults.” Ohio Rural Health Conference. Virtual. 

Miracle, T.L., Downing, M., Summers, K., Schmuhl, K. (2021, August).” Generation Rx Ambassadors: Developing a Prevention Workforce to Prevent Prescription Drug Misuse”. National Prevention Network Annual Conference. Virtual. 

Emptage RE. Safe Medications for Better Health. Caregiver Support Network Ohio AgrAbility Program OSU Extension. June 2021.

Downing, M., and Miracle, T. (2021, May). “Prescription Drug Misuse Prevention Strategies for Campus Communities.” Eastern Illinois Higher Education Center. Virtual.

Kwiek, N., Miracle, T., and Sandidge, B. (2021, January). “Generation Rx: Educational Partnerships to Prevent Rx Drug Misuse Across the Lifespan.” CADCA National Forum – Poster Session. Virtual.

Downing, M. and Pendleton, K. (2020, January). “Cultivating Partnerships with Fraternity and Sorority Life for Prescription Drug Misuse Prevention.” NASPA Strategies, New Orleans, LA.

Downing, M., Pendleton, K. (2019, December). “A Plan for Action: Prescription Drug Misuse Prevention within College Communities.” Association for Fraternity and Sorority Advisors Conference, Anaheim, CA. 

Pekny, C., Sandidge, B., and Schieber, L. (2019, October) “Generation Rx: How Pharmacy and Extension Leaders are Promoting Safe Medication Practices.” Appalachian Translational Research Network (ATRN) Conference, Columbus, OH.

Kwiek, NC and Sandidge, B. (2019, September) “Generation Rx: Safe medication practices across the lifespan.” Opioid Action Summit, Slidell, LA.

Downing, M. and Pendleton, K. (2019, April) “Prescription Drug Misuse Prevention within Campus Communities.” Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, Atlanta, GA.

Emptage, RE, Pekny C, Keeler E, Kwiek N. Generation Rx Older Adult Toolkit: Redesigned. The Consultant Pharmacist 2018:33(10):597. [Abstract –peer reviewed]. [Published] Poster at American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Annual Meeting, November 2018. Poster won Top Poster Designation at the ASCP 2018 Annual Meeting.

Selected Talks & Trainings


Kwiek NC. (2019) “Generation Rx: A Public-Private Partnership to Promote Safe Medication-Taking Practices”. Talk presented at the University Industry Innovation Network conference, Sydney, Australia.


Downing, M. (2022, June). “Women’s Substance Misuse and Proven Prevention Strategies.” MJ Housing – Sorority Client Training. Virtual.

Downing, M. and Panelists. (2022, March). “Substance Use Trends.” Kappa Kappa Gamma All Member Experience. Virtual.

Sandidge, B., Downing, M., and Kwiek, N. (2021, March). “Generation Rx University.” Fraternity Executives Association Health & Safety Roundtable.” Virtual. 

Downing, M., Schmuhl, K., and Lange J. (2020, December). “A Conversation about Prescription & Illicit Drugs.” PIKE Fraternity Round Table. Virtual.

Downing, M. (2020, November). “Prescription Drug Misuse Prevention Strategies for Campus Communities.” Missouri Partners in Prevention Statewide Coalition Meeting. Virtual.

Downing, M. and Pendleton, K. (2020, February). “Prescription Drug Misuse Prevention within Collegian Populations.” MJ Housing Forum, Indianapolis, IN.

Kwiek, N, Schmuhl, K. (2019, July) “Generation Rx: Safe Medication Practices for Life”. Presented separately as Student and Advisor workshops at AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL 

Sandidge, B, Schmuhl K, Kwiek, N. (2019, March). “Generation Rx: Safe Medication Practices for Life”. American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Kwiek NC and Walker B. (2018, March) “Generation Rx: Safe Medication-Taking Practices for Life”. 165th APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Nashville, TN.

Hale, K. (2018, April). “Generation Rx, The Future: Interactive Panel” The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy Dean’s Corporate Council, Columbus, OH.