Generation Rx has created two free online games that help children, parents, and the general public learn safe medication practices in a fun, interactive environment. Anyone can play these games at home with family or during a live educational program on medication safety.
In “Is it Candy or Medicine?”, participants classify photos as medicine or candy. This game demonstrates that medicine and candy share similar physical traits, yet act quite differently in the body. Messages shared throughout the game reinforce the importance of adults keeping medication in its original container to prevent identifying it as candy and possibly hurting someone if accidentally ingested.
In “Medication Safety Sleuths”, participants tour a virtual medicine cabinet and apply their detective skills to solve a series of medication safety riddles. Each riddle teaches an important safe medication practice, such as safe medication disposal, storing medication in its original container, and using appropriate devices to measure medication.
Both games are available at and add to a variety of free, online learning tools that help the general public learn about medication safety and prescription drug misuse prevention. These online activities, as well as the ready-to-use educational resources, are provided through a partnership between The Ohio State University and the Cardinal Health Foundation. Learn more at