Generation Rx Mini-Grant Request for Applications are Now Available

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Deadline extended to Friday, June 4th

Generation Rx and the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery are accepting applications for its fourth cycle of Generation Rx University Implementation Grants. Funds are available through a partnership between Zeta Tau Alpha, Generation Rx and HECAOD to support collegiate educational efforts toward instilling safe medication practices among students.

Be 1 of 10 institutions to receive this mini-grant opportunity of $1,000 to assist with the implementation of prescription drug misuse prevention. Applications should be submitted through the unit responsible for wellness initiatives and partnership with fraternity & sorority life is required. Past recipients of this funding include: Duquesne University, Saint Augustine’s University, University at Albany- SUNY, University of Mount Union, and University of Rhode Island.

Generation Rx University Badge

An informational session reviewing the grant opportunity was recorded and is now available on our website. This session provided an overview of the grant objectives and answered common questions about the grant opportunity.

Applications are due Friday, June 4th at 11:59 pm ET.